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Develop the Product

Develop the Product The fourth step of the process is to develop the product. During this step, your organization will experience an increase in budget, resource usage, personnel time, and effort. During the development step, a prototype of the product is designed and provided to project members or special focus groups for testing. The product's features, performance, convenience, and quality are evaluated and adjusted as necessary.

Cross-functional New Product Committee

Cross-functional New Product Committee One option is to form a cross-functional new product committee. The committee should include representatives from each department, including engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and finance. Company leaders or outside consultants generally provide the committee with new ideas for new products for review and approval.


Demographics The fourth factor you should consider when creating your labeling strategy is demographic: Labels designed for product targeted for children are often colorful, fun, and entertaining- to attract their attention. Conversely, quality products created for mature customers, such as classical music or designer clothing, typically features more defined labeling designs to appeal to discriminating ***** tastes.

Information determined by state or federal regulations

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- · Information determined by state or federal regulations State or federal regulations can determine what information you must include on your product's label. For example, you might need to provide detailed nutritional information or safety precautions to meet mandatory guidelines.

Packaging Strategy Factors

Packaging Strategy Factors: · Decide whether to maintain continuity You should consider several factors when developing your packaging strategy. First, you should decide whether to maintain continuity among your various products. If you implement a family branding strategy, you should develop a common packaging style, size, shape, or graphic to connect the items. ·

Packaging is an important element

Packaging is an important element of your product strategy because it protects your product against damage and spoilage, and can make the item safer, easier, and more efficient to use. Any box, bottle, or container that holds your product is considered to be packaging.

Branding Strategy

Four Characteristics of an Effective Brand An effective brand name or brand mark should have four characteristics: 1. It should be easy to remember. 2. It should be noticeable.

Product Branding

Supplies Finally, the fifth business category is supplies, which are inexpensive, frequently purchased products. This category is comparable to the consumer convenience category and represents products that an organization needs to perform daily procedures. Examples of supplies include pencils, printer paper, and maintenance products.

business operation

Business Products: Used to manufacture or construct other products or used in daily business operation · Used in daily business operation Although consumer products are for private use, business products are for the corporate world. They are used to manufacture or construct other products or are used in the daily operation of an organization.

Business products

Business products: Purchased by organizations for company use Consumer products are purchased by consumers for private use while business products are purchased by organizations for company use. To categorize products, you should consider who the buyer is and why the product is purchased.

Four step market segmentation process

Four step market segmentation process Four step market segmentation process Four step market segmentation process To develop a successful marketing strategy, it is important to  identify the appropriate consumer segments. There are four steps  you should perform to conduct the market segmentation process effectively.


Psychographic Psychographic segmentation is the third characteristic you should consider when creating a market segmentation. This method groups consumers with similar lifestyles, values, and traits. To use the psychographic segmentation strategy, you should consider the consumer's needs, opinions, intentions, and attitude. It is also important to understand the influences the individual receives from his or her job, hobbies, and culture.

Identifies consumers

For example, an automobile manufacturer analyzes the socioeconomic traits, wants, needs, and buying habits of a target market. The information allows company leaders to create and market a small convertible car for the company's most reliable market segment--middle-aged men who want to recapture their youth.

Identify a target opportunity

Finally, to extend your product's life cycle, you can modify the product or change its packaging. For example, a toothpaste manufacturer recognized that large-sized toothpaste tubes were difficult for travelers to pack. By offering smaller tubes at reduced prices, the manufacturer effectively created a new product and established the opportunity to attract new customers.

Often, the popularity of the

Often, the popularity of the product or service during the growth stage also creates a new challenge--competition. Instead of concentrating exclusively on building your customer base, you are forced to implement new strategies, such as lowering prices or modifying the product's features, to keep your customers from wandering to a competitor.

For example, suppose your company

For example, suppose your company produces brightly colored apparel for teenagers active in skateboarding. To take advantage of the integrated marketing communications strategy, you may offer discount coupons for your clothing on soda cans. You may then create television and radio commercials to announce the promotion to your target market.


· Promotion The fourth element of the marketing mix is promotion. This action enables you to communicate company information and the benefits of your product or service to your target market. Popular promotional methods include print, television, radio, and Internet advertising, publicity events, and sales promotions.

Opportunities will most likely

Opportunities will most likely be found by evaluating markets, competition, and technology. Examples of opportunities include attracting new customers when a competitor discontinues a product or service, or the introduction of new technology that allows you to offer your products or services in new markets. ·

the seven habits of highly effective people

the seven habits of highly effective people® Dr Stephen Covey's inspirational book - 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People® Dr Stephen Covey is a hugely influential management guru, whose book The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People, became a blueprint for personal development when it was published in 1990. The Seven Habits are

Stephen Covey's Seven Habits

Stephen Covey's Seven Habits are a simple set of rules for life - inter-related and synergistic, and yet each one powerful and worthy of adopting and following in its own right. For many people, reading Covey's work, or listening to him speak, literally changes their lives. This is powerful stuff indeed and highly recommended. This 7 Habits summary is just a brief overview - the full work is fascinating, comprehensive, and thoroughly uplifting. Read the book, or listen to the full tape series if you can get hold of it.

The big seven worst habits

The big seven worst habits of communication are bad enough when they happen occasionally. They become "big and bad" when they're practiced habitually. And they do, ultimately, exact a cost, whether it is in miscommunications, lost projects, lowered productivity, missed opportunities, or poor relationships Here are the top seven. How many might have caused a problem for you in the past week?

Telling lies

Telling lies. Pastors and church staff people telling lies? Hopefully not blatent ones, I hope. But how many times do you tell 'little lies' to keep from hurting someone's feelings? And does any instance come to mind where you may have slanted the truth for your own gain?

Internal environment

Internal environment Examples of forces in the internal environment include an organization's goals, objectives, and resources. When creating marketing strategies, you must consider the direction your company's goals and objectives provide, as well as the possible restrictions presented by a lack of resources.

Sales era

Sales era Sales era Sales era The sales era began when saturated markets forced a decline in consumer demand. Business leaders recognized the need to hire salespeople to sell the large backlog of products they created. The marketing emphasis was placed on advertising campaigns to find customers to buy the products. Manufacturers produced a product and then sold it aggressively.

Sales era

Sales era The sales era began when saturated markets forced a decline in consumer demand. Business leaders recognized the need to hire salespeople to sell the large backlog of products they created. The marketing emphasis was placed on advertising campaigns to find customers to buy the products. Manufacturers produced a product and then sold it aggressively. Marketing era The marketing era emerged when decision makers decided to learn what customers wanted before developing the product or service, rather than trying to convince consumers that existing products fit their needs. During this era, marketing research and customer satisfaction became an important element in the strategy to increase profits. Relationship Era The fourth era in the evolution of marketing is the relationship era. This era began in the late twentieth century and is an enhanced version of the marketing era. Business leaders expand their focus to develop long-lasting relationships with both customers and sup...


Marketing---Marketing  -Marketing---Marketing Marketing Defining Marketing Your learning objective: · Identify the definition of marketing Marketing Generates · Ideas ·