Make Money on the Internet through Traffic Arbitrage
Make Money on the Internet through Traffic Arbitrage
Some people think that it is way beyond their abilities to make money on the Internet. One needs to be a technical wizard and an Internet genius for them to be able to make a buck on the "net" the saying goes. As a matter of fact, that is not such a hard task and we are going to show you how to do it in a few easy to understand and complete steps.
people think that it is way beyond their abilities to make money on the Internet. One needs to be a technical wizard and an Internet genius for them to be able to make a buck on the “net” the saying goes. As a matter of fact, that is not such a hard task and we are going to show you how to do it in a few easy to understand and complete steps.
Build a web site
What you have to do is think a little about the topic of your site. Think about something that you’re an expert on and can help your visitors with it. That way they’ll be happy to visit your web site and you will create a positive attitude in them towards it.
It is relatively easy and almost free nowadays to put up a web site. Think of a domain name and purchase it. You will probably have to spend some time trying to secure a good domain name that has not already been purchased. Once you have done that what you have to do is secure hosting services and upload your website. For hosting services you may go to a third party (different than the one you bought your domain name from) or you may stick with the domain name vendor if it offers such services.
As for the software, for a small site Wordpress software package seems to be a natural choice – it’s free, it’s powerful and it has a plethora of plug-ins. Initially it was (and still is) meant to run a blog site but a small site is really not that different from a blog.
Traffic Arbitrage
Now that you have your web site up and running, you need to think about ways to monetize it i.e. answer the venerable question “How to make money off of it?” And here comes the tricky part and what we’re going to suggest. It’s the same old idea of buying cheap and selling at a higher price. In a nutshell, you’re going to be buying and selling traffic simultaneously and making money because the traffic that you buy will be at a cheaper price than the price you’re going to be selling it at. This is called traffic arbitrage and is an almost riskless and quite sure way to make a profit.
You can use traffic from Google AdWords and other pay per click (PPC) campaigns. PPC means that you bid for a click on certain keywords and your ads show when someone makes a search that includes one of your keywords. It is only when they click on your ad that you pay a certain amount (but not higher than the limit you yourself have set beforehand).
Once you have secured the traffic (the more, the better, of course) you have to have a way to make money from it. An easy way to do that will be to get Pay-per-lead offers. What they offer is to pay after a visitor has performed some predefined action – subscribe to a newsletter, submit their email address, purchase something, etc. Let’s do the math – if you bring to your site ten visitor and each of them costs you $0.10 that will be a dollar. If one of these performs the action required by the agency for you to get paid and you receive $2.00 that means your profit is $1.00. You get the idea and these numbers are quite real.
Getting PPL offers is also easy. There are agencies that have contracts with big time advertisers and you can get offers from them. Some agencies are Agami Media, Azoogle Ads, CPA Empire, CPA Junction, Hydra network, Primary Ads, Websponsors and others. Google them, go to their web sites, register and browse through the different offers they have.
Good luck in your newly-found Internet entrepreneur endeavors.
Sarah Levine
Biz Dev Manager
Agami Media Network